Best Video
27-04-2010, 21:08 | Category: Lyrics
Views: 21 970 | Comments: 36
Nu stiu ce sa fac, imi plac fetele-n cete
Fuste mini,de-col-teu,vai mama ce mai sunt cochete
Unele imi fac din ochi si imi dau sama
M-am indragostit nu stiu cema fac
M-am indragostit,cine-I nu stiu, poate
Poate tu sau poate ea
Va iubesc, ma jur, va iubesc pe toate
Poate ma descurc cumva!
Eu le fac din ochi, si uite’na! Ma-njura!
Fetele i-mi sar in cap strigind ca doar sunt bun de gura
Ele insa n-au cum sti ce le pot face
Le-as pupa pe rind chiar de stiu ca mor!!!
Mus: Sandu Gorgos
Text: Inesa Stratulat
Artist: Ionel Istrati
Fuste mini,de-col-teu,vai mama ce mai sunt cochete
Unele imi fac din ochi si imi dau sama
M-am indragostit nu stiu cema fac
M-am indragostit,cine-I nu stiu, poate
Poate tu sau poate ea
Va iubesc, ma jur, va iubesc pe toate
Poate ma descurc cumva!
Eu le fac din ochi, si uite’na! Ma-njura!
Fetele i-mi sar in cap strigind ca doar sunt bun de gura
Ele insa n-au cum sti ce le pot face
Le-as pupa pe rind chiar de stiu ca mor!!!
Mus: Sandu Gorgos
Text: Inesa Stratulat
Artist: Ionel Istrati
27-04-2010, 21:06 | Category: Lyrics
Views: 16 282 | Comments: 5
Lasa-ma sa te privesc in zori
Sa te mingii tu sa-mi dai fiori
Lasa-ma de buze sa mating
Vorbele-ti in palme sa le string
Uita-ma in viata ta
Sa ramin aici in ea
Uita-ma in dorul meu si-al tau
Sa ramin cu el mereu
Doar tu si eu
Lasa-ma in paru-ti rasfirat
Sa ma uit cum tu nu mai uitat
Lasa-ma in brate sa te pling
Un ocean de lacrimi ca sa string
Sa te mingii tu sa-mi dai fiori
Lasa-ma de buze sa mating
Vorbele-ti in palme sa le string
Uita-ma in viata ta
Sa ramin aici in ea
Uita-ma in dorul meu si-al tau
Sa ramin cu el mereu
Doar tu si eu
Lasa-ma in paru-ti rasfirat
Sa ma uit cum tu nu mai uitat
Lasa-ma in brate sa te pling
Un ocean de lacrimi ca sa string
Save the day
27-04-2010, 21:04 | Category: Lyrics
Views: 62 271 | Comments: 55
Don’t go away
I want to walk you home
When you smile like this
Im ready dile 911
I can show my life to you
It wouldn’t be so easy but I’ll try
I was kinda nasty boy but now
You’ve changed my state of minde
Using your smile
I don’t wanna say “iloveyous” but I know
You stole my soul and now Im yours
My bodey feels like tenderfoot in space
And still your smile will save the day
Now wen you’re near
I wanna give you sweet kiss
When you staring like this
My heart is beating so clear
I can tall a secret about me
It wouldn’t be so easy but Im in
When you call my name
I’ve got a million goosbumps on my skin
I want to walk you home
When you smile like this
Im ready dile 911
I can show my life to you
It wouldn’t be so easy but I’ll try
I was kinda nasty boy but now
You’ve changed my state of minde
Using your smile
I don’t wanna say “iloveyous” but I know
You stole my soul and now Im yours
My bodey feels like tenderfoot in space
And still your smile will save the day
Now wen you’re near
I wanna give you sweet kiss
When you staring like this
My heart is beating so clear
I can tall a secret about me
It wouldn’t be so easy but Im in
When you call my name
I’ve got a million goosbumps on my skin
Dor de mama
27-04-2010, 21:04 | Category: Lyrics
Views: 33 204 | Comments: 510
1 ) Stau de multe ori pe ginduri si privesc
Primavara cind florile-nfloresc
Pe cimpie mieluseii, zburda linga mama lor
Pasarelele isi cinta cintul lor (2 ori)
2 ) Imi aduc aminte si de mama mea
Cit de fericit eram eu linga ea
Pe genunchii ei apoi , ea apoi ma aseza
Si cu drag pe obrajori ma saruta (2 ori)
3 ) Nu doresc pe lumea asta altceva
Decit sa ma intilnesc cu mama mea
Caci de dorul tau eu mama
Sufletu-mi tinjeste greu
Ca din nou vreau sa-ti aud eu glasul tau (2 ori)
4 ) iar acum cind in mormint te odihnesti
Obrajorii mei in lacrimi se topesc
Si acum astept eu ziua, ca sa plec de pe pamint
Dar doresc sa ne-ntilnim in cerul sfint (2 ori)
5 ) Iar tu doamne cind in cer vei reveni
Si pe mama sus in cer vei intilni
Imi va ramine-n amintire, ce nu pot sa uit nicicind
Ca am avut o mama scumpa pe pamint (2 ori)
Primavara cind florile-nfloresc
Pe cimpie mieluseii, zburda linga mama lor
Pasarelele isi cinta cintul lor (2 ori)
2 ) Imi aduc aminte si de mama mea
Cit de fericit eram eu linga ea
Pe genunchii ei apoi , ea apoi ma aseza
Si cu drag pe obrajori ma saruta (2 ori)
3 ) Nu doresc pe lumea asta altceva
Decit sa ma intilnesc cu mama mea
Caci de dorul tau eu mama
Sufletu-mi tinjeste greu
Ca din nou vreau sa-ti aud eu glasul tau (2 ori)
4 ) iar acum cind in mormint te odihnesti
Obrajorii mei in lacrimi se topesc
Si acum astept eu ziua, ca sa plec de pe pamint
Dar doresc sa ne-ntilnim in cerul sfint (2 ori)
5 ) Iar tu doamne cind in cer vei reveni
Si pe mama sus in cer vei intilni
Imi va ramine-n amintire, ce nu pot sa uit nicicind
Ca am avut o mama scumpa pe pamint (2 ori)
(City of) Love and Pain
27-04-2010, 21:03 | Category: Lyrics
Views: 9 344 | Comments: 326
Like a drug I’m addicted to
Hypnotizing my point of view
I forget all that I’ve been through
It’s you
I was trying to live apart
Cause I know when I touched your heart
It was cold and I just can’t stay
I run away
I’m running away
A night and a day
Away from the City of Love and Pain
I’m running away
In search for a place
That’s far from the city of love and pain…
You are killing the saint in me
Leave no chances for being free
All my bad dreams are coming true
It’s you…
I was trying to live apart
Cause I know when I touched your heart
It was cold and I just can’t stay
I run away
Love is not what you do
It’s only for two
It’s water and fire
I’m not a slave of desire for you
Love is not what you do
It’s only for two
It’s water and fire
I’m not a slave of desire for you
Hypnotizing my point of view
I forget all that I’ve been through
It’s you
I was trying to live apart
Cause I know when I touched your heart
It was cold and I just can’t stay
I run away
I’m running away
A night and a day
Away from the City of Love and Pain
I’m running away
In search for a place
That’s far from the city of love and pain…
You are killing the saint in me
Leave no chances for being free
All my bad dreams are coming true
It’s you…
I was trying to live apart
Cause I know when I touched your heart
It was cold and I just can’t stay
I run away
Love is not what you do
It’s only for two
It’s water and fire
I’m not a slave of desire for you
Love is not what you do
It’s only for two
It’s water and fire
I’m not a slave of desire for you