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ProTV: Sa fim mai buni! 10 artisti autohtoni s-au filmat intr-un videoclip inedit.

26-04-2012, 01:03 | Category: News
ProTV: Sa fim mai buni! 10 artisti autohtoni s-au filmat intr-un videoclip inedit.ProTV: Sa fim mai buni! 10 artisti autohtoni s-au filmat intr-un videoclip inedit.Caritate nu numai de Paste. 10 artisti moldoveni au inceput filmarea unui videoclip care va avea misiunea sa ii faca pe oameni mai buni.

Natalie Toma, Cristy Rouge, Nelly Ciobanu, Serj Kuzenkoff, Vitalie Dani, Ion Razza, Geta Burlacu, Adriana Ochisanu, Ionel Istrati, Ion Paladi interpreteaza impreuna o piesa intitulata Inima ta, iar la lansare vor colecta fonduri pentru ajutorarea copiilor bolnavi.

Proiectul a fost lansat pentru a promova o organzitie care ajuta copiii bolnavi din familii sarace, iar ieri artistii au avut prima zi de filmari.

Filmarile videoclipului la piesa ”Inima ta” nu au costat niciun leu si asta pentru ca cei 10 interpreti au acceptat sa se implice fara bani. Mai mult, ei intentioneaza sa organizeze o strangere de fonduri la evenimentul de lansare a videoclipului, care va avea loc pe 31 mai.

Desi videoclipul are un mesaj pozitiv, vedetele au purtat tinute mai putin colorate la filmari.

"Inima ta" nu este prima piesa inregistrata in scopuri caritabile. Anul trecut alti artisti au participat la proiect cu melodia "Impreuna vom izbuti".


14 ноя 2014 12:27
There is an interesting history behind the Hermes Birkin which began in the 1980s. This label was named after the English actress and singer Jane Birkin who was quite the popular star on French music charts at the time. There are a number of gucci replica legends surrounding this bag. According to one, Jane Birkin was in need of a bigger bag to keep her contents on a plane ride, and the small purse she had was too packed to keep anything else. The bag she unloaded her contents into was a Hermes Designer bag. And so it became popular when people saw her carrying this bag through her trip. Hence the name Hermes Birkin stuck on. Since then there has been such a immense rise in the popularity of this beautiful bag that if one wanted one of these bags from Hermes, they would have to be on the three year waiting list! And there are no guarantees even! It is such a unique and exclusive bag in fact that sometimes even celebrities need to be on these waiting lists. The Hermes Birkin has dimensions of 30cm to 40cm usually but there are the larger travel sizes available. The cost of course is very high, reaching over twenty five thousand dollars. The bags have a leather exterior with exotic skins and extra pockets in the inside. The interior of this designer bag is just as smooth as the exterior. The Hermes Birkin is a safety installed bag. It has its own security system complete with locks and the key comes in a protective leather case. Another reason for the high price are the 24k gold plated palladium made hardware. Some people who do not like the look of gold can also opt for the silver coated one with various finishes. They are truly the superior trend in fashion and the glory of the Hermes brand is incorporated in this unique designer bag. It is the symbol of the affluent and carries an exotic charm about it. The design of the bags are always elegant and classy and keep changing with the times to make them more and more contemporary and artsy. Hermes itself is a brand of much stature and the root of much of prada replica fashion trends. Hermes keeps up a good reputation each year to provide the best leather bags all over the world. The name has always been associated with pop stars and fashion icons who have given pride to this already famous brand name.
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