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4 июл 2013 20:03
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4 июл 2013 16:56
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4 июл 2013 09:24
Sailing mostly out of Florida and Texas, the Western Caribbean cruises invite you to experience such places as the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico, Jamaica, Grand Cayman, and Key West, Florida. Each with its unique distinctions, these spots have a world to offer any traveler.Cozumel, an island off the eastern coast of Mexicos Yucatan Peninsula, is a popular destination renowned for its snorkeling and scuba diving. This vibrant, colorful island is home to the ancient Mayan ruins and ultra-modern resorts. It also has some of the whitest powder sand and the clearest blue water you will ever see! Although Jamaica has quite a few different spots to visit while on your Western Caribbean Cruise, make sure your itinerary includes Dunhill River Falls and/or Negril, Jamaica.Ochio Rios, a city on the northern coast of Jamaica, has gained popularity among tourists as it is touted as being one of the safest areas for tourists in Jamaica. Two must sees when you go to Ochio Rios is the Dunns River Falls and Dolphin Cover, where visitors are able to swim and interact with dolphins.Negril has been rated as one of the top ten beaches in the world by many travel magazines. South of downtown Negril is West End Road, known as the cliff area. This area offers good water for snorkeling and diving, and Terrell Suggs Elite Jersey if youre really daring, jumping points reaching more then 40 feet high. Ricks Caf is the place to watch the cliff jumpers. Consider one Torrey Smith Womens Jersey of the 1,000 places to go before you die, Ricks Caf not only entertains you with cliff jumpers, but has some of the best sunsets are some of the best in the world.Another stop on your Western Caribbean cruise is Key West. Lying near the end of the chain of islands known as the Florida Keys, Key West is the southernmost city in the continental United States. Located north of Cuba and southwest of Miami, this laid back spot offers fun with its trolleys, great bars and music, and a plethora of water activities such as jet ski tours, kayak tours, and some of the best fishing anywhere in the world. If you are still around Key West during the early evening - dont that you are in one of the most magnificent spots to view the sun set.Take a closer look at some great deals to visit these and other islands in the western Caribbean.1. Authentic Terrell Suggs Jersey $499+: 7nt Western Caribbean Cruise2. $599+: 7nt Western Caribbean Cruise Presidents Week
4 июл 2013 04:11
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4 июл 2013 03:42
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