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Nothing but your body style
Baby, can impress me
Can’t you see that it is time
For us to get real!
Come and hold me for a while,
Don’t be slow and shy
Cause I’m gonna’ take you high –
Come closer!

Going crazy, deeply, I –
Wanna’ love you so…

Wait! Can’t believe you wanna’ leave!
I’m available and free
Wanna’ be inside your heaven…
Wait! Only you can follow me
I’ve got everything you need
Baby, we can be together!

You are dangerous to me,
Maybe too exciting
Why you roll your eyes and keep
Laughing and playing?
Wanna’ tell you one more time –
I can read your mind,
One day I will make you mine –
Believe me!

Artist: Ionel Istrati
Muz: Alex Brashovean
Text: Alina Dabija


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2 Kohl says: Sarch meis, you said everything I would have said. especially about that brat Mady. November 5, 2008 at 9:18 pm 63 Joy Pohto says: The other similar shows are more pleasant to watch as it seems Jon and Kate are ALWAYS arguing. I feel uncomfortable after watching it a bit and seeing so much of the disagreements, Jon rolling his eyes, etc. I feel like I'm watching a couple that disagree continually. That isn't entertainment. wholesale soccer jerseys from china That couple will not make it. November 6, 2008 at 2:59 am 64 RHONDA ENGEL says: I HAVE BEEN WATCHING JON amp KATE AND THE KIDS SENCE IT'S STARTED. WE ALL LOVE THE SHOW. I THINK THEY ARE DOING A OUTSTANDING JOB, AND FOR THOSE WHO DON'T LIKE IT OR DON'T HAVE ANYTHING NICE TO SAY, JUST TURN THE CHANNEL AND ZIP YOUR LIPS. THE KIDS ARE DARLING AND GROWING UP IN A LOVING CARING FAMILY. GOOD FOR THEM FOR MAKING IT WORK FOR THEM. AS FAR AS THE SHOW. IT WILL OPENING UP MANY DOORS FROM THEM ALL I HOPE. P. S. JON I'AM FROM HAWAII ALSO NOW LIVE ON THE MAINLAND. BUT STILL HAVE FAMILY THERE. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK AND KEEP TALKING TO EACH OTHER. WISHING YOU ALL THE BEST. ALOHA, THE ENGEL FAMILY, SEATTLE WA. November 6, 2008 at 3:47 pm 65 The old Cathy says: I don't understand how all of the perks that the Gosselins get should upset anybody. Is it taking any money out of anyone else's pocket? It isn't taking any out of mine, that's for sure. So, then, what's the big deal? November 7, 2008 at 4:47 pm 66 Kim says: I grew up in a family with two sets of multiples and I think John and Kate do a great job. Kate, just like the rest of us, has her issues. But she also acknowledges her short comings, team soccer jerseys cheap something a lot of people can't do. John and Kate obviously have a loving relationship and they work around their issues. They fit together, and it works for them. They are focused on raising happy healthy children. And they are doing a great job. Anyone who puts their energy into searching the internet for gossip about the Gossling family may need to take a look at their own life. November 8, 2008 at 2:33 pm 67 carol says: i love the show i thing jon and kate are doing a wonderful job and

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13 июл 2013 01:36
ar the national anthem nor do we expect our politicians to always be so formal. Those who scream the loudest about manic patriotism are simply redneck jingoists who like to make a huge, blustery, obnoxious display of their so called patriotism. Give it a rest. There are many more important things going on in this country than to nitpick every single cheap football jerseys movement made by every single candidate. We have George W. Bush now, for heaven's sake. No one but Romney could be worse. November 11, 2007 at 10:43 pm 125 Jennifer says: The courtesy of silence and attention to the flag during the national anthem is indeed the only Requirement. He fit the bill. November 13, 2007 at 11:44 am 126 Devon says: Interesting. I've been to countless baseball games, and out of thousands of people, I might see a hand full with their hand over their heart during the national anthem. I also find it funny that the none of the meida personelle or on lookers were even paying attention to the person singing. Should we track down the journalists, cheap football jerseys and refuse to read their news papers or watch their news? Should we find the random by standers and interogate them about their political pasts? Comon people. Whether you like Sen. Obama or not, you have to admit that this photo is a pathetic attempt to find the man non patriotic, and anti American. November 13, 2007 at 1:48 pm 127 Phat Pimp Money says: Obama is a fraud as a senator and an insult as a candidate for president. Theres simply no way around it. Your either respectful of our country or your not, There is no sometimes. Do you think that sometimes he'd support a kkk lynching, and sometimes he wouldnt? Give me a break. November 13, 2007 at 2:56 pm 128 Boise Republican says: All senators and representatives should know flag and anthem etiquette as should all citizents. Ignorance of flag and anthem etiquette is inexcusable, especially for presidential hopefuls, and offensive to thousands of citizens. This is a major part of American culture, not a fly by night trend! It's a shame that this wonderful country has so many irreverent, uncaring citizens. Proper antehm etiquette requires

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