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Nothing but your body style
Baby, can impress me
Can’t you see that it is time
For us to get real!
Come and hold me for a while,
Don’t be slow and shy
Cause I’m gonna’ take you high –
Come closer!

Going crazy, deeply, I –
Wanna’ love you so…

Wait! Can’t believe you wanna’ leave!
I’m available and free
Wanna’ be inside your heaven…
Wait! Only you can follow me
I’ve got everything you need
Baby, we can be together!

You are dangerous to me,
Maybe too exciting
Why you roll your eyes and keep
Laughing and playing?
Wanna’ tell you one more time –
I can read your mind,
One day I will make you mine –
Believe me!

Artist: Ionel Istrati
Muz: Alex Brashovean
Text: Alina Dabija


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Making Of

Dor de mama

Wake Me Up


Eu numai, numai partea 1

Eu numai, numai partea 2

Te Caut

Люблю тебя